Most small brands lack the time and expertise to generate high-quality digital media content. This is one of the biggest challenges smaller brands face. You’re so preoccupied with getting your brand off the ground, and there are so many hats you’re wearing. Often, what gets neglected are the actual components that help you build and grow your brand, namely quality photography, video, and social media content.
When I first launched my coffee roasting company years ago, I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. I learned everything from scratch … roasting coffee, branding, building websites, managing social media, and more. I like to say that was the Wild West days of Instagram, and my crappy iPhone photos didn’t hinder us from growing rapidly on social media. I had no plan, no strategy, and was randomly taking photos on my phone. That was it. That’s all I had. I didn’t even own a camera then.

Once our brand started gaining traction came the need and realization I needed better photos and content. So I began to barter. I’d send free coffee in exchange for photos. It was a blast of experience, and I connected with so many awesome people because of it. However, it became more apparent that I needed to up my own photography game. Oftentimes, I needed to get content NOW. I couldn’t always wait 2-4 weeks to ship coffee, have someone take photos, and then get those photos back. When we’d roll out a new coffee, I needed photos ASAP. And so I bought a camera.
Seemingly overnight, everything changed. I was able to get the content I needed right away. Not only that, but I was able to get the kind of photos I had in mind. What I learned through this whole process is the importance of quality content when it comes to building and growing a brand. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to do photography for many other brands and provide them with the quality content they need.

Obviously, based on my story, you can already see there are two approaches to getting the content you need for your website, social media, etc. You can either (a) do it yourself or (b) hire someone else. Both are viable options. I’ve done both. And if I’m being honest, I’d recommend both. The most important thing is to know yourself. I know I’m creative, so it was only a matter of time before I started doing my photography.
At the same time, I know my coffee brand wouldn’t have grown without outsourcing and hiring other photographers to supply me with content. That carried me for the first 3-4 years. Eventually, I transitioned to doing most of it myself. I say “almost” because I have outsourced photography from time to time. Everyone has not only a different style or vibe, but they’re also in different parts of the world. I was able to get photos from the Alps, South Africa, Norway, and more. It elevated my brand.

I currently teach photography at the undergrad level. I love photography. I love helping brands raise the strength of their online presence through quality photography. I’ve had the opportunity to work with numerous brands and individuals. Because I work with primarily cash-strapped startups, I’ve intentionally kept our prices reasonable.
If you believe quality photography will elevate your brand, please click the button below and email me. I’d love to help you grow your brand and reach.